Why choose us?
Ramón Pérez mill was founded in 2009, as a private company, from scratch in the olive sector, without notions or knowledge of olive oil production.
Today, Ramón Pérez mill is one of the major powers in preparation of olive oil extra virgin area Spanish lift, with capacity for molturar 10 million kilos of olives in the field and packing 1,8 million liters of oil.
Year 2016
After 8 years of experience in oil production, We can consider ourselves expert teachers in the extraction and processing of extra virgin olive oil, because of this we began to market our own range of products, under the brand name of Ramón Pérez.
Year 2017
Since we are initiating a trademark in the sector of extra virgin olive oil we aim to create a reputation around our trademark.
For this to be our company policy may require us:
- Always maintain quality of the product we offer.
- That our oil is always made in our facilities and olives under optimum area Spanish lift.